In December 2015, the lord decided to take my uncle Dan to his heavenly home. It was a sudden thing even though he had cancer everyone was so optimistic that he was going to be fine but God decided he needed him more. It is hard to loose someone that meant so much and now looking back I really wish that I would have told him more what he really meant to me. He was such an amazing man, funny and studdorn. He didn't take anything off of anyone but he was also loving, could talk to anyone and was just an all around amazing man.

Then on February 2nd, 2016, the lord decided that he needed to take my grandpa. The man that all other men in my life have to stand up to. He was there when they brought me home from the hospital, he was at almost every birthday, gave me the best advise about life, marriage and the world in general. My grandma use to laugh when I was little and talking about my prince charming that I was going to find someday, she always said when I was about 3 I would ask my papa if he was really my prince charming and not my Mammie's. I use to imagine my grandpa giving me away someday at my wedding even when he was older and unable to walk, I knew that he would be there. And now he isn't.
Today they came and picked up his hospital bed, O2 tank and other medical Well physically anyways, he will always be with me. He will be with me when I pack up my things in a couple of weeks and move to Florida. He will be with me when I see a beautiful sunset or sunrise. He will be with when I finally do find prince charming and finally say I do. He will be with me when I have by own babies and watch them grow, graduate high school, collage and get married and even have their own babies. He will be with me now just as he was when he was still alive.
But as I mentioned, life is funny, out of the blue a few weeks ago, when my papa was still here, I decided to apply for Universal Studios Orlando. I had worked here before and applied here every so often but never really heard back. This time was different. I got a phone interview the day after I applied and HR kept me updated on doing a phone interview and such. I was torn on what I would have wanted to do as I had just left a stable full time position to come home and help care for papa, but I had applied so many times and really wanted to take the job. I didn't know why all this happened until February 2nd. Then it all fell more into place. I came home from the funeral to find a voice mail from HR about setting up a time the next day for a phone interview. Had an amazing interview and was told right then and there that I was hired. On top of all that, training doesn't start until March 7th! I have time to pack and say goodbye as this is going to by my last move ( I hope) .
So life if funny. Sometimes you fall and are heartbroken and the next the questions that you didn't know are answered and the path that you were wondering about is right in front of you. So remember when life gets you down that you might have a bad time now but it might take one day or blessing from God to turn everything around.