I grew up in a town o 500 people ( It might even have gown too 600 by now) in Southwest Missouri. Everyone knew everyone else and it was a close community. When death come upon our little town, there was always support. I also grew up in the 80's and 90's where such things as mass shooting where not common and it wasn't until Columbine that I even heard of such things.
Oh how thing have change. Back then I felt safe. First it was schools, but I still felt safe. Then it was shopping malls, I still felt safe as in my mind nothing like that would ever happen in Springfield. Then it was movie theaters, I started being scared of going to the movies as that was my place to escape reality. It was a place to completely lose yourself and some horrible monster was stealing that security. But after awhile I became more and more at ease and was just more aware. I would make sure I knew where the exits were and had a plan in my mind if something happened.
But then yesterday happened! Terror had invaded my new home, where again I had felt safe. I woke up to news of the nightclub shooting and I was scared. Not for myself but because I didn't know where all my friends where. For the first time I started frantically clicking through my friends list checking to make sure that everyone was ok. That those that I know and share different aspects of my life would be safe and sound. Thankfully everyone was ok, physically atleast, and I would have another day to tell them how much they mean to me.
But there are friends and family of 49 other people that will not have that opportunity. They won't get to hug their friend or family member again, tell them how much they love them, share memories. There are 49 people who will not see another sunrise or sunset. They will not celebrate another birthday or holiday. This to me is the most heartbreak. How many of them had the opportunity to tell their loved ones they loved them and was in a hurry and didn't. How many of them maybe didn't answer a phone call from a parent or friend because they were having a good time and thought they would just call them back later and are now lost opportunities to have said I love you
So please, make sure that everyday you tell those that you love, that you love them. If your parents or friend calls, take the time to talk to them because right this moment is a blessing and tomorrow is never promised.