Sunday, January 6, 2013

How are you doing?

I get this question  and sometimes just don't know how to answer. Most of the time people don't really care how you are really feeling or doing. They are just being polite by asking. But for those that really do love and care for you, what do you say to them? As a women, it is important to be honest those that are closest to you. To many times I have turned on the TV or read on the Internet about a mom who killed her kids because of stress. It just got to much and she kept it inside. So PLEASE if someone like a family member, good friend or spouse asks you how you are, please be honest. Let them know if things are stressful and you really just need a break from life to relax or if you are upset and sad, talk to them as this is going to make life easier for not only yourself but those that are around you. Also if you are stressed often or there are large problems in your life, do NOT feel embarrassed with going to a therapist. It is a chance to talk to someone you don't know and to be honest.  Getting your feelings out there and heard is important for you mental health and thus your physical health as well!!

Keep Smiling!

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